State Autumn Leaf Festival
State Autumn Leaf Festival
Jessie began volunteering with Autumn Leaf as a parade walker in 2016 and is proud to serve as President in 2025. Highlights of her time with ALFA include being knighted by the Royal Rosarians, giving out endless high-fives at the Spokane Lilac Festival and an exciting ride in the shuttle in Olympia (if you know, you know.) When she's not on the parade circuit you can find her reading for her book club or off somewhere exploring a new corner of the world.
PO Box 116, Leavenworth, WA 98826
Scott Bradshaw:
(509) 548-5064
Jessie Swider:
(509) 860-4612
The Washington State Autumn Leaf Festival Association promotes tourism and goodwill for Leavenworth and the Upper Valley through participation in community parades and festivals throughout the Pacific Northwest. Working in harmony with the Royal Bavarians, Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Leavenworth. ALFA supports the sustainability of our local economy in the promotion of our community.